Leadership in experimental & digital humanities research infrastructure & community-building.

Leadership highlights


  • External review of R1 DH research center for Vice Provost for Research
  • Invited research review for an external R1 university faculty tenure case
  • Invited leader & speaker for pan-university, inaugural digital scholarship institutes:
    • University of North Carolina Wilmington
    • University of Wisconsin Green Bay




  • Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) Executive Council Representative (2016-2020)
  • ACH Nominations Committee Chair (2018-2019)

Director of the Scholars’ Lab: research center excellence

Innovative leadership in the Scholars’ Lab, an internationally recognized research center flourishing in the University of Virginia Library. Vision and strategy for expanding our scholarly collaboration network and deep research portfolio; management of digital humanities projects, practitioners, and infrastructure.

“[Visconti] brings a high level of qualities seldom found in one person: intellectual commitments and depth, knowledge, and training in humanities; versatile and robust technical skills and experience collaborating on advanced digital research; immersion in the library world of information, teaching, service, and research; gifts in creative community building, especially through social media; imagination, integrity, and effective management.”

—Dr. Alison Booth

Employed leadership

Director of the Scholars’ Lab, University of Virginia Library (2017-current)

Innovative leadership, both visionary and practical, of an internationally recognized digital and experimental humanities research center. 

  • Expanding our wide scholarly collaboration network and deep research portfolio
  • Leadership of digital humanities projects, practitioners, and infrastructure 
  • Developing the next generation of DH practitioners (~65 named student roles/year)

Tenure-track assistant professor & digital humanities specialist librarian; Purdue University, Libraries and Information Science Department (2015-2017)

  • Led a R1, Big Ten university in its first cross-campus digital humanities initiative
  • Co-organized a three-day DH symposium with the Purdue African American Studies & Research Center
  • Collaborated with department heads toward a workflow leading scholars from research in our Archives, to DH analysis of that content, to its scholarly communication via our Press